Friday, February 03, 2006

for the sake of posting

it occurred to me that, while i get so bothered when other people don't post on their blog/xanga/myspace often, i haven't posted in quite some even though i have virtually nothing to write about, i will write i have no idea what's coming next...hold on to your pantyhose...
my friend wants me to join a kickball league...while this will undoubtedly return me to the humiliation of elementary school, i think it could be some serious long as no one takes it too seriously...
i am quite bored at work this is obvious by my ability to write this post...
chris, the echo tech here, told me this morning he knows of a devout catholic friend who has a statue of mary that cries continuously...he has seen this statue and, while he is skeptical of the tears, he has seen them and believes them to be i have always been taught that these type things are just made up...but i don't think chris is i asked him why he thinks God would choose to make this statue of mary into a miracle statue...i guess i just think that God wouldn't choose to make a miracle out of something unless He has good reason...any thoughts?
overall i must say, for all who care, that my life is's good to be be talk to God not be in the constant state of worry and contemplative thought that used to be my life...someone please remind me of this the next time i start to go there...

and if anyone could share with me how to put actual links over to the right, that would be great...

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