Tuesday, February 27, 2007

i got tagged...apparently one person who tagged me requires 8 random facts about me and another requires 10. if you're lucky you'll get 10. we'll see. it shouldn't be a problem considering the fact that i am the queen of random.

1. in my last blog, i admitted that i listen to radio disney and, consequently, got fewer comments than i've had in a long time. i love all of you too.

2. i really like to paint.

3. on saturday, i'm teaching my class about the everyday life of women after the revolutionary war and how the colonies' quest for independence sparked a similar quest for women's rights. (doesn't that just make me sound ten times smarter than i really am?)

4. sunday nights are the highlight of my week.

5. water freaks me out. or at least large bodies of it do. oceans, rivers, lakes, all of them make me a little nervous. sometimes, swimming pools too.

6. i love making lists.

7. i am starting to realize how flighty of a person i really am. i change my mind about things (from what i want to do with my life to what i want to eat for lunch) 47 times daily. and somehow i get the impression that my friends knew this all along.

8. i am in desperate need of some blue coast burrito.

9. there is a 22 year age gap between me and my closest sibling. (ok so i realize most of you know that already but i'm running out of material)

10. i really want to go to africa. i've wanted to go since i was in jr. high. some people think that's crazy.

probably the same people who are hating on me because i listen to radio disney.

**i tag krista, kaylan, whitney, layne, kara, and anyone who, like me, loves doing these things.

Monday, February 19, 2007

a few thoughts on my day off

- it is GORGEOUS outside!! yay for 60 degree weather in february!!

- elvis went to the vet today. they said he was the best behaved basset hound they've ever seen. and the prettiest. i am a proud parent.

- in other dog news, i brought the dogs indoors temporarily to enjoy a rawhide treat. melvin & eleanor are currently chewing away on theirs. elvis has abandoned his and prefers to stare at the two other dogs and whine as if he's being deprived of something. i might need to retract that 'proud' statement i made earlier.

- i have a confession to make...i love radio disney. there. i said it.

- i reminded elvis that he had his own rawhide to chew. he has chosen to do so.

- it is 5:10. where did my day off go?

- elvis has resumed his whining. oh well.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

it's official. i've lost it. after church tonight, darcie pointed out that i had on one brown shoe & one black shoe. it's bad enough that i left the house that way. it's another thing all together that someone else had to point it out. throughout the service (while i was standing anyway) i'd actually wondered if maybe one of my legs was shorter than the other. yet i never bothered to look at my shoes.
sometimes i amaze myself

in other news...

- elvis is still barking at the tire swing. (see video) any suggestions on how to stop this? do i need to call cesar milan?

- i broke down and bought myself a new coat. i love it more than a person should love a coat. i'm considering it my valentine's day gift to me.

- i have a fabulous roommate who bought me a valentine's gift.

- i'm not one of those people who gets all bitter about valentine's day. the way i look at it, i'm missing out on a considerable amount of stress. and seeing as how i've spent quite a bit of the last few years surrounded by my friends and their significant others, valentine's day doesn't remind me of my singleness any more than my day-to-day life. and lately, when reminded of my singleness, i am immensely grateful of how un-complicated my life is. (most of the time anyway)

- i am 99% positive i am taking a paycut at the dillard. hip hip.

- i posted the end dance scene from little miss sunshine on my myspace profile. i've watched this scene no less than 10 times this week. i love it. if i don't have time to watch the whole movie, i'll just watch the end. sometimes i need to be reminded to quit worrying about what other people think and just be me (even if me is a bit ridiculous at times).

- i seriously need to go to bed.

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