Monday, February 19, 2007

a few thoughts on my day off

- it is GORGEOUS outside!! yay for 60 degree weather in february!!

- elvis went to the vet today. they said he was the best behaved basset hound they've ever seen. and the prettiest. i am a proud parent.

- in other dog news, i brought the dogs indoors temporarily to enjoy a rawhide treat. melvin & eleanor are currently chewing away on theirs. elvis has abandoned his and prefers to stare at the two other dogs and whine as if he's being deprived of something. i might need to retract that 'proud' statement i made earlier.

- i have a confession to make...i love radio disney. there. i said it.

- i reminded elvis that he had his own rawhide to chew. he has chosen to do so.

- it is 5:10. where did my day off go?

- elvis has resumed his whining. oh well.

Congratulations on admitting you love Radio Disney on such a public forum where total strangers can read it, and form an opinion of you based on such information. You are brave :)
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