Friday, April 28, 2006

so i haven't posted in a few days so i thought i might. i have nothing to write about per se. so prepare yourself for a whole lot of nothing.

i saw my mother yesterday and she told me that my current hair color is "a big mistake". just when i was starting to like it...

a girl i work with has invited me to go to the electric cowboy with her & her friends tonight. i think she is of the opinion that i have no life nor do i have friends. while i will readily admit that i have no life, i still do not feel the need to gain one by going to the electric cowboy. clubs just aren't my style. i have no dance moves. i'm not the biggest fan of large crowds. it's a lose/lose situation for me. i've been trying to decide what excuse to use as to why i'm not going to be joining her tonight. but i think i've decided to just tell her the truth - even if it means admitting that i'm an old fogey.

simpler things make me happy. such as:

- a girl i work with gave me a nutty butty when i was starving yesterday
- my walk yesterday was 10 times better because i could smell honeysuckle the whole time
- myspace/xanga/blog comments
- Applebees cheese sticks with marinara + Mountain Dew to drink = AMAZING
- my new david crowder band cd
- going to movies

Monday, April 24, 2006

weddings and such

what a weekend! this weekend proves that i am no longer able to do the things i did in college. i cannot function well with only a handful of hours of sleep each night. this weekend sara got married. i will not bore you with a play-by-play but i will point out a few of the more entertaining moments of the weekend.
first of all, my roommates and i road-tripped to murfreesboro thursday to start the decorating process. we left after work and got home around 3:30 a.m. the drive home was highlighted by the fact that whitney kayle ate a piece of pollen that she had mistaken for a crumb from her Twix. we spent the greater part of the ride home trying to convince her that she wasn't dying. it's funny to think of it now but it was even funnier at 2 a.m.
friday's entertaining event took place when my friend tommy decided to put out someone's cigarette with a fire extinguisher. what tommy did NOT know was that he was completely unaware of how to turn off the fire extinguisher. after many unsuccessful attempts, tommy ran down the stairs of the lodge towards the lake, did a couple of 360 degree turns shot-put style, and threw the fire extinguisher in the lake. it then occurred to all of us that the people who owned the lodge might be upset at the absence of their fire extinguisher. so, rather than force ryan to pay for the fire extinguisher, tommy retrieved it from the lake. again, much funnier at 1 a.m. the rest of that evening was spent making fun of cheesy, 70's christian network, tribulation/rapture films, seeing way too much of the boys hairy legs, and trying to keep the thermostat above 62. oh and the boys did have a dance party at the church while we were finishing up decorations. but don't worry, it was a methodist church so lightning didn't strike. methodists are cool like that.
the wedding was beautiful. it was short which made it even more beautiful. it was fun to spend time with people i haven't seen in a while, and to get to know people that i didn't know very well. the fun continued into saturday night when kaylan and krista came to visit from dallas. by this time i was highly frustrated with myself for not being able to fully function due to my lack of sleep. however, i was not too tired to enjoy a little more junk food, dance presentations by whitney & kaylan, and to join in singing on 'mississippi squirrel revival' for old time's sake.
so the weekend is over and i'm back at work. i feel as if i have still had no sleep. yet i feel so amazingly blessed to have been surrounded by so many friends in such a short period of time. i have the most amazing friends. i have had the most amazing weekend.
and to top it all off, Madea's Family Reunion is at the dollar theater.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

So apparently i'm in the minority about the can of water in the soup thing but at least i'm not completely crazy for FOLLOWING THE DIRECTIONS ON THE CAN...anyway...
While parusing i found this I filled out a survey yesterday (big shock) and one of the questions was, "Is there anyone you wish would fall off of the face of the earth?" and, at the moment, i couldn't think of anyone. But after reading this, i do believe i've changed my mind. The guy in charge of this group would be my answer. There are some people in this world that I honestly want to beg to quit calling themselves Christians and he is one of them. What kills me is that he does these atrocious things and doesn't even think he's saving the world by doing so. He actually says, "the time for repentence is over," which makes me question why he bothers making such a scene unless it's to make a name for himself. Few things make my blood boil but this is definitely one of them.
On a lighter note, I watched the new show 'What About Brian' last night because, based on the previews, I thought it would be a show I could relate to. It's about a guy whose group of friends is comprised of nothing but couples - with him as the exception of course. I loved the first ten minutes of the show because it included Brian emphatically informing his friends NOT to set him up with anymore random girls - that he was perfectly capable of finding his own dates. I think I even gave an audible 'amen' at the end of his little speech. It's not that I feel I am capable of 'finding' my own man, it's that I don't feel the need to have people put me into awkward situations in order to find someone to share my life with. I am friends with quite a few couples and none of them found each other by being forced into each other's company. Sometimes I'm almost offended that people want to fix me up with someone - as if they don't feel I am worthy of that same luxury. But of course I know this isn't true. They simply want me to experience what they have experienced and what they know I want to experience. But anyway back to the show... My commonalities with Brian ended when he hooked up with two different gitls before the end of the show - neither of which will be back for the next episode. I'm not applauding his one-night-stands or anything but they are definitely evidence that he has more game than I and therefore I can no longer claim that the two of us are all that similar. However, I will still be tuning in next week if, for no other reason, out of the minute excitement that comes from seeing Barry Watson play a part other than Matt Camden on 7th Heaven.
In other news, it is wicked hot here in Arkansas. It feels like August outside. Upper 90s and humidity you could cut with a knife. I wanted warmer weather but this is a bit extreme. My evening walks are starting to involve more sweat than I'm accustomed to. It's come to a point where I honestly don't think I'd mind if any of the 57 sprinklers that I pass would veer off of their path and shoot me in the face. This is extreme in that I hate water, but I especially hate water in my face.
Stay cool.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

it's become so very obvious to me in the past few days exactly how great God is and how good he has been through all of this...he has orchestrated each day so that no matter what crazy thing my mother tries to do, there is some kind person there to keep her from it...
for example, mom has picked out 80 pairs of shoes from a local shoe store that is going out of business...yes i said 80...she stayed at the shoe store from 9 a.m. tuesday morning to 7 p.m. tuesday evening (with a 2 hour break for lunch)...and the store closed at 6 this point she only had 30 pair of shoes picked out and the employees kept her from buying them by shutting down the register at 6...she came back the next day and found more shoes to buy which brought the total to 80 pair...despite the fact that this purchase could have made their entire week, they told her that there was a limit of 5 pair purchased per day...
at this point i believe mom has only bought 5 pair although she intends to buy 5 more today...
right now my sister is with my mom and the minute they are alone she will confront her with all of this...she is the toughest of the three of us...
the shit hath hitteth the fan

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

mental illness is a funny thing...(forgive the fact that i have not strayed from this topic in a is pretty much all i have to write about)
most people don't understand mental illness and with good reason...for a long time it simply was not discussed and now there are so many medicines to keep it under control there most probably feel thereis no need to...
then there are the people who feel that mental illness isn't really an illness at all...the people (who sadly are people of faith) who maintain that depression is a result of a person's lack of faith...
yet my mother's problem is this point, she is not depressed at all...she is high on life...happy as a clam...she is planning programs and buying 32 pairs of shoes at one time...and to the average onlooker she may seem completely normal...or just like your average slightly-cooky old lady...the only people who realize what is going on are the people who are closest to her...
we know her to be frugal so we are alarmed at her spending over $400 on shoes for herself...we know her to be neat and clean and very concerned with the appearance of her home so it freaks us out that there are papers and clothes strewn all over her apartment...and, as sad as this sounds, we know her to not get too excited or happy about much of anything and so it even freaks us out that she is giddy and so upbeat...
i understand that all of this sounds strange to someone who has never experienced it...or to someone who doesn't know my mother well enough to realize that this is abnormal friends don't really know what to say to me...i think that they think i'm bothered for no reason...that this isn't such a big deal...for this reason, i'm trying not to even talk about the situation with them...yet that goes against my very nature...i have an overwhelming need to talk about things...especially these type of things...which is perhaps why i am typing away right now about the subject...
on the upside, this has also been a time of bonding for my sisters and i...we talk almost every day so we can keep each other updated on what's going on...for once we all seem to be on the same page about things...they are the only ones that can truly understand the situation...
the mental hospital may be on the agenda in the near future...i hope this can be avoided...

Monday, April 10, 2006

forever & a day

ok so it's been forever since i've posted on any of my sites but i feel the need to update this one because my last post here was so depressing...sorry about that...
my mom is still in her manic phase...she feels that she has all of the answers to life's questions and solutions to all of life's the last few weeks she has attempted to do the following: reconnect her and my sisters' churches which split 5 years ago, convince me to move home to live with her in her new house, hook me up with a guy that she knows is perfect for me, yelled at my sister, and stood up in church to announce she had 4 points to add to the sermon. She let me know again last night that she has been misdiagnosed with bipolar. Little does she know at this point that she is the poster child for bipolar...
saturday was a fun night with friends. to be perfectly honest, i felt completely on my game that jokes went over well...we all laughed and laughed hard...a couple of people even made the comment that my new red hair had made me a little crazier than was an awesome night...and then, as i thought back on the events of the evening, i wondered if my more-hyper-than-normal behavior could be my own personal manic phase...again all of the events of the past few weeks have heightened my fear that i will inherit my mother's disorder...maybe i was just lovin' life saturday night...i sure hope so...
ok i need to end this and run to lunch but before i do i want to comment on my last post's "woe is me i'm single" aspect. i read this last night and it exhibited my feelings on being single perfectly:
"'Just anyone' could never make me happy (at least for more than about a week, typically), and so -- I would rather walk on my own. But it ached a little."
truthfully, i would rather walk on my own than be in a relationship that's not does ache...i do wonder if it will ever happen...sometimes i am tempted to hurl myself at the wrong relationship just for some temporary companionship...i hope God keeps me from making a mistake like that...

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