Thursday, April 13, 2006

it's become so very obvious to me in the past few days exactly how great God is and how good he has been through all of this...he has orchestrated each day so that no matter what crazy thing my mother tries to do, there is some kind person there to keep her from it...
for example, mom has picked out 80 pairs of shoes from a local shoe store that is going out of business...yes i said 80...she stayed at the shoe store from 9 a.m. tuesday morning to 7 p.m. tuesday evening (with a 2 hour break for lunch)...and the store closed at 6 this point she only had 30 pair of shoes picked out and the employees kept her from buying them by shutting down the register at 6...she came back the next day and found more shoes to buy which brought the total to 80 pair...despite the fact that this purchase could have made their entire week, they told her that there was a limit of 5 pair purchased per day...
at this point i believe mom has only bought 5 pair although she intends to buy 5 more today...
right now my sister is with my mom and the minute they are alone she will confront her with all of this...she is the toughest of the three of us...
the shit hath hitteth the fan

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