Tuesday, April 18, 2006

So apparently i'm in the minority about the can of water in the soup thing but at least i'm not completely crazy for FOLLOWING THE DIRECTIONS ON THE CAN...anyway...
While parusing msn.com i found this http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12071434/?GT1=7938 I filled out a survey yesterday (big shock) and one of the questions was, "Is there anyone you wish would fall off of the face of the earth?" and, at the moment, i couldn't think of anyone. But after reading this, i do believe i've changed my mind. The guy in charge of this group would be my answer. There are some people in this world that I honestly want to beg to quit calling themselves Christians and he is one of them. What kills me is that he does these atrocious things and doesn't even think he's saving the world by doing so. He actually says, "the time for repentence is over," which makes me question why he bothers making such a scene unless it's to make a name for himself. Few things make my blood boil but this is definitely one of them.
On a lighter note, I watched the new show 'What About Brian' last night because, based on the previews, I thought it would be a show I could relate to. It's about a guy whose group of friends is comprised of nothing but couples - with him as the exception of course. I loved the first ten minutes of the show because it included Brian emphatically informing his friends NOT to set him up with anymore random girls - that he was perfectly capable of finding his own dates. I think I even gave an audible 'amen' at the end of his little speech. It's not that I feel I am capable of 'finding' my own man, it's that I don't feel the need to have people put me into awkward situations in order to find someone to share my life with. I am friends with quite a few couples and none of them found each other by being forced into each other's company. Sometimes I'm almost offended that people want to fix me up with someone - as if they don't feel I am worthy of that same luxury. But of course I know this isn't true. They simply want me to experience what they have experienced and what they know I want to experience. But anyway back to the show... My commonalities with Brian ended when he hooked up with two different gitls before the end of the show - neither of which will be back for the next episode. I'm not applauding his one-night-stands or anything but they are definitely evidence that he has more game than I and therefore I can no longer claim that the two of us are all that similar. However, I will still be tuning in next week if, for no other reason, out of the minute excitement that comes from seeing Barry Watson play a part other than Matt Camden on 7th Heaven.
In other news, it is wicked hot here in Arkansas. It feels like August outside. Upper 90s and humidity you could cut with a knife. I wanted warmer weather but this is a bit extreme. My evening walks are starting to involve more sweat than I'm accustomed to. It's come to a point where I honestly don't think I'd mind if any of the 57 sprinklers that I pass would veer off of their path and shoot me in the face. This is extreme in that I hate water, but I especially hate water in my face.
Stay cool.

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