Monday, February 20, 2006

ice and grey's anatomy

so i spent the weekend snowed in with a friend...i took my mutt to her house where he played with her mutts and we had good conversation and way too much junk food...the fun also included movie watching because she had no cable including me staying up until 2 a.m. sunday morning watching 'the return of the king' because i am completely incapable of falling asleep during a movie...even one i've seen before that's 3 hours long...
i returned to my apartment and the land of cable and internet sunday afternoon despite the ice...and prayed fervantly that there would be enough ice left on the roads to keep my office closed today...
and then there's grey's anatomy...a must in my weekend routine...i am completely shameless in my love for television...and my love for george o'malley...he is the best really...and last night he did what i hoped he wouldn't do for as long as the show has been on the air...he professed his love for meredith...i swear i turned red when he did it...i expected her to stumble over some words and tell him 'thanks but no thanks'...i DID NOT expect her to take his shirt off...she should be slapped...repeatedly...and i like her...i do...she's on thin ice with me this week though...i'm sure she'll lose quite a bit of sleep over this...
i've also started reading another book..."the long goodbye" by patti davis...and no i'm not trying to depress's actually not depressing to me about someone else losing their dad to alzheimer''s comforting read her words and know exactly what she means...i'm honestly hoping that it jogs memories of my dad...not ones of him sick but of better bothers me that i'm having trouble recalling those better times these days...
so my snow dance didn't work and i am having to work today...oh well...


we sure will break some hearts in europe! I can't's gonna be priceless (not the breaking hearts part but the part about exploring Europe with some of the best of friends)...i'm a blog reader so i'll be back to visit often :)
I mean what the hay-hay? I am with you about Meredith...seriously..I couldn't believe that she took his shirt off...I am torn..Dr. McDreamy vs. George vs. Addison vs. Meredith...ugh
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