Tuesday, February 28, 2006

life has been good to me lately...while God is always good, life is not...but lately it has treated me well...i say this and search for some wood to knock on...i feel like i say this all the time and that it sounds cheesy but i spent way too much of my life only writing down the negative parts of it and i guess maybe i'm trying to even the score...
sunday night was one of those hallmark nights...one where my friends and i sat around my living room and talked about things...real things...important things...time got away from us, we forgot to eat (but don't you worry, we worked a taco bell run into things later) and i didn't watch grey's anatomy and i got so little sleep i was sick as a dog the next day...all well worth the time we had...it was one of those times that God undoubtedly orchestrated which made it all the more beautiful...
it seemed almost ironic when the conversation i had with my mother on monday centered around friendship as well...what broke my heart is that it centered around her lack of them...her friend and companion of 52 years is gone now...and she's having to re-learn how to be a single woman and make friends...it breaks my heart to think of my mother being without friends...mine are such an integral part of my life...pray my mother finds a friend and that i can encourage her and love her in the way she needs...
all around me are things encouraging me to live each day to its fullest...it's a concept that the timid person in me wants to embrace...RENT says "no day but today" and "forget regret or life is yours to miss"...and the current cd in my cd player says "i thank God for another day, another chance to love the ones i love...to find my way, to laugh, to dance and watch the sun come up...another day i get to live as if every breath will be the last i take"...
i think...i hope i'm beginning to get the point...

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