Friday, June 09, 2006

the boredom continues. and believe it or not, i'm actually tired of filling out surveys. i've informed the general population of enough of the inner workings of the craziness that is ruth.
and yet i'm posting another blog.
but to be perfectly honest, i have very little to say. i think i'll do some bullet points, since they are the most fun. hold onto your hats kids, they will contain much randomosity.

- boys stress me out. their mere presence stresses me out. it's not their fault. it's mine. i can't even explain it. but a nunnery has never looked so good.

- i still haven't unpacked from my vacation.

- everyone should visit a mental ward at least once in their life. everyone should witness an old woman in a purple bathrobe wearing pearls, yellow socks, and black pumps and carrying her purse down the hallway. if you can't find a way to balance the humor as well as the sadness of it all, then we probably cannot be friends.

- i have a new water bottle from the Smithsonian. it's awesome.

- i am at a loss for what to read next. i've actually started several books but don't necessarily care to finish them at the moment. if you have any suggestions, feel free to share them. if you are willing to loan me the book, even better.

- i didn't eat lunch when i went home today. i chose a nap instead. however, this is not condusive with my normal eating habits as i typically scarf down everything in sight whenever given the opportunity. now i am hungry and contemplating what to get from the hospital cafeteria (i even get a discount since i work here). i will be taking suggestions on this also.

- i watched part of the first game of the NBA playoffs last night. i think i could really get into basketball. i am normally bored silly by sports on television but i was actually getting into last night's game. dirk noworski (or however you spell it) is my boy. he doesn't stress me out because he's far away & on television.

that's all for now kids

I will forever be appreciate of your phrase "I think I could get into basketball". Absolutely. Watch the NBA for a bit, and then we'll move out to the concrete courts for some one-on-one.
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