Monday, June 05, 2006
well i'm back. i

to give you the short version, it was a fun trip. i laughed really hard and often. mostly at my neices. for one have more rhythm in their pinky fingers than i do in my entire body. and secondly because every other word that came out of their mouths was hilarious. we rolled our eyes at jordan a lot (he thinks he's hilarious) and we did a lot of nothing. it was relaxing. it was nice. it made me dread my job a little less. and it kept me from stressing about the job interview i had before i left. i came back slightly fatter because i left my diet in arkansas, but i will hit the pavement again after work today.
as usual i have other things i'd like to post about but i will save it for later. but i will leave you with some pictures...well i was. i've uploaded the 2nd one 47 times and it hasn't worked yet. you'll have to make do with this one.