Thursday, July 27, 2006

there have been several additions to my previous post's list of how you know i was raised by senior citizens. they are as follows:
- i had a 10:00 weekend curfew
- i was not allowed to wear black until i was 10
- a sunday night after-church dinner consisted of sardines, canned salmon, vienna sausages, crackers, peanut butter, & cheese

and another clarification: mike huckabee has not officially announced that he is running for president. it just really looks that way.

it is july and my snack of choice here at work is hot chocolate. if you knew how cold it was in here, you'd understand. it's best when accoompanied by frosted animal cookies.

why are so many of my posts about food?

it's official. i'm going to europe next summer. words cannot contain my excitement. seriously. i've wanted to go to europe since i knew where europe was. and that was a long time ago because i was a very intelligent child.

ok maybe not. but my mom sure thinks so.

i've gotten to hang out with some friends and their babies lately. that's right. when you get to be my age, quite a few of your friends have babies. when i was 21-22, all of my friends were getting married. now they're all having babies. when they got married, i was jealous. now, not so much. i sure do love to play with those babies but i also enjoy giving them back to their mothers.

well that's about it for now. time for some hot chocoalte & animal cookies.

You sure must have been in a hurry to get to that hot chocoalte and animal cookies....I thought that intelligent children knew how to spell as young adults.... :-)
i was in a hurry. animal cookies are just the reason for hurry. and i won a spelling bee in 4th grade. so boo-yah.
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