Friday, August 18, 2006
i'm being accosted!

i'm trying to put a picture in my blog. hope it works. the supposed above picture was taken last night when i hung out with my grad school buddies laura & travis. it was a night full of laughter and a bit of insanity. my idea of a good time. what you cannot tell by this picture is that it was taken in front of the state capitol. we hung out there for an hour or so. i kept thinking we would be asked to leave considering it was 10:30 at night. we weren't. laura was somewhat disappointed. we ate some Tamolly's (and yes i spelled it correctly) and made fun of cheesy sexual harrassment videos that we've all been made to watch since our entrance into the real world (hence the blog title). it's a good thing that laura & travis have seen said videos because both have experienced it first hand. i, on the other hand, have not and am struggling between feelings of gratefulness and those of being left out of the loop. kidding.
so the age old question has now been answered. what do three people with their master's degree in history do when they're full of mexican food? they go hang out at the state capitol and take random funny pictures.