Wednesday, October 18, 2006
21. i love pineapple upside down cake. my mom's best friend used to bring one over hot out of the oven every other month or so when i was younger. and it wasn't one with those big rings of pineapples either. it had crushed pineapple so there was pineapple in every bite.
22. today is my last day at my receptionist job. i am sad. i love these people. and i kinda think they love me too. i'm going to miss them. i will not miss people yelling at me nor will i miss being treated like i'm an idiot (by the patients not the people i work with).
23. i love newsies. it's a disney musical movie about some newsboys in nyc around the turn of the century. if you haven't seen it, you've missed out. it was a critical part of my childhood. i taped it once when we got one of those free preview weeks of the disney channel. the tape only got part of it and i cried. so i knew the first half of the movie by heart before i ever saw the end. i own the soundtrack too. it was also the movie that first bonded me to rebecca & christin. we would walk around camp singing the songs. christin took it one step further and learned the one of the dances.
24. speaking of camp (awana camp that is) - two songs come to mind. You are my Sunshine and Happy Trails. i don't know how Happy Trails came about, just that toby & mikey used to sing it. I'm pretty sure that You Are My Sunshine came from 2 main things: 1) my constant wearing of sunflowers perfume during those years of my life and 2) the fact that i would always sign my letters (and i wrote quite a few to the camp folk) 'love-n-sonshine'. cheesy. yes. still touched by the fact that the two of them sang it to me over the loud speaker the last night we were there. yes.
25. don't roll your eyes about awana camp. we rocked that place.
22. today is my last day at my receptionist job. i am sad. i love these people. and i kinda think they love me too. i'm going to miss them. i will not miss people yelling at me nor will i miss being treated like i'm an idiot (by the patients not the people i work with).
23. i love newsies. it's a disney musical movie about some newsboys in nyc around the turn of the century. if you haven't seen it, you've missed out. it was a critical part of my childhood. i taped it once when we got one of those free preview weeks of the disney channel. the tape only got part of it and i cried. so i knew the first half of the movie by heart before i ever saw the end. i own the soundtrack too. it was also the movie that first bonded me to rebecca & christin. we would walk around camp singing the songs. christin took it one step further and learned the one of the dances.
24. speaking of camp (awana camp that is) - two songs come to mind. You are my Sunshine and Happy Trails. i don't know how Happy Trails came about, just that toby & mikey used to sing it. I'm pretty sure that You Are My Sunshine came from 2 main things: 1) my constant wearing of sunflowers perfume during those years of my life and 2) the fact that i would always sign my letters (and i wrote quite a few to the camp folk) 'love-n-sonshine'. cheesy. yes. still touched by the fact that the two of them sang it to me over the loud speaker the last night we were there. yes.
25. don't roll your eyes about awana camp. we rocked that place.
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I appreciate these new tid-bits of info, but you need to keep thinking sister because number 25 doesn't's a personal opinoin, not a personal fact
Ruth (this is really to Whitney) - Whitney is not the "things about me" police unless she joins! Come on, Whitney - I am tired of clicking on your blog and getting nothing! We need at least 10 things about you - now.
and also, whitney, you do need to get on the ball with your blog....update us like ruth does on life!
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