Friday, October 13, 2006
ok so i haven't blogged in 2 weeks whitney tells me. it is not for a lack of things to blog about...just lack of motivation to type about it all. maybe i'll get around to it one of these days. but until then, i have been inspired to do what my dear pal betty gail is doing on her blog. 100 things about me. as if the 3 people who read this blog don't know all there is to know. i'm going to try to make it random. oh well i think it's fun. so i will follow in betty gail's footsteps. from what people tell me, i'm going to turn into her eventually anyway :) today you get 15...
1. the house i lived in until i was 11 had green carpet in the front of the house and a yellowish shag carpet in the back.
2. i learned my first curse word from kim while we were sitting on top of a shed my dad built in our backyard.
3. my favorite place to hide when i was little was the dirty clothes closet we had. it wasn't a hamper. it did not have one of those nifty little fold down doors. it opened like a normal cabinet or closet would.
4. i talk to myself. i like to think it's a result of growing up as the only child in my house. chances are, i'm just nuts.
5. i really want to purchase a punching bag.
6. i don't make a habit out of stepping on lines or cracks in sidewalks. the whole "step on a crack, break your mama's back" thing really stuck with me. i've gotten better about it, but sometimes i still catch myself staring at the ground as i walk and walking so that i avoid the lines & cracks.
7. i love planners. a drug rep brought some into the office the other day and i got one. i usually get the urge to buy one when walmart breaks out the school supplies around back-to-school time. it's kind of stupid for me to have a planner seeing as i have nothing to plan. but i love my new planner. if you can think of anything for me to write in it, let me know.
8. i once owned a popple and a pogo ball.
9. i hate the sound of my own voice. but you'd never know it because i still use it often.
10. i've always wanted to live in a house with a window seat where i could sit & read. i would also like for my house to have a real front porch - preferably with a swing.
11. i am annoyed by suburbs.
12. my favorite books are memoirs.
13. every day that goes by i am more and more uncomfortable around the opposite sex.
14. "I prefer to not be an emotional basketcase." (direct quote from me at lunch today)
15. when i was younger, my dad had a garden in our backyard (even though it was in the middle of the city). i learned early on how to shuck corn, shell peas, & snap beans. even when we moved away from that house, mom & dad would buy fresh peas/beans/corn from people so the shucking/shelling/snapping continued. i kind of miss that.
1. the house i lived in until i was 11 had green carpet in the front of the house and a yellowish shag carpet in the back.
2. i learned my first curse word from kim while we were sitting on top of a shed my dad built in our backyard.
3. my favorite place to hide when i was little was the dirty clothes closet we had. it wasn't a hamper. it did not have one of those nifty little fold down doors. it opened like a normal cabinet or closet would.
4. i talk to myself. i like to think it's a result of growing up as the only child in my house. chances are, i'm just nuts.
5. i really want to purchase a punching bag.
6. i don't make a habit out of stepping on lines or cracks in sidewalks. the whole "step on a crack, break your mama's back" thing really stuck with me. i've gotten better about it, but sometimes i still catch myself staring at the ground as i walk and walking so that i avoid the lines & cracks.
7. i love planners. a drug rep brought some into the office the other day and i got one. i usually get the urge to buy one when walmart breaks out the school supplies around back-to-school time. it's kind of stupid for me to have a planner seeing as i have nothing to plan. but i love my new planner. if you can think of anything for me to write in it, let me know.
8. i once owned a popple and a pogo ball.
9. i hate the sound of my own voice. but you'd never know it because i still use it often.
10. i've always wanted to live in a house with a window seat where i could sit & read. i would also like for my house to have a real front porch - preferably with a swing.
11. i am annoyed by suburbs.
12. my favorite books are memoirs.
13. every day that goes by i am more and more uncomfortable around the opposite sex.
14. "I prefer to not be an emotional basketcase." (direct quote from me at lunch today)
15. when i was younger, my dad had a garden in our backyard (even though it was in the middle of the city). i learned early on how to shuck corn, shell peas, & snap beans. even when we moved away from that house, mom & dad would buy fresh peas/beans/corn from people so the shucking/shelling/snapping continued. i kind of miss that.
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i still have a popple somewhere in my parents attic. the pogo ball however was retired to the trash quite a while ago.....i did love them both though. thanks for blogging such random things :)
Awe, Ruth! I will strive to be a better person, if you are going to turn into me some day. You truly make me smile. I wish you would put a Batesville date in your planner. We would have such fun.
i remember playing in the dirty clothes hamper, when i was little... did I learn that from you? I remember playing with you when we was little... i remember getting in trouble, (I think with you) for "playing family" where I was guy in the shower and you was girl who sat on the toliet when you peed... that is funny
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