Tuesday, February 28, 2006

life has been good to me lately...while God is always good, life is not...but lately it has treated me well...i say this and search for some wood to knock on...i feel like i say this all the time and that it sounds cheesy but i spent way too much of my life only writing down the negative parts of it and i guess maybe i'm trying to even the score...
sunday night was one of those hallmark nights...one where my friends and i sat around my living room and talked about things...real things...important things...time got away from us, we forgot to eat (but don't you worry, we worked a taco bell run into things later) and i didn't watch grey's anatomy and i got so little sleep i was sick as a dog the next day...all well worth the time we had...it was one of those times that God undoubtedly orchestrated which made it all the more beautiful...
it seemed almost ironic when the conversation i had with my mother on monday centered around friendship as well...what broke my heart is that it centered around her lack of them...her friend and companion of 52 years is gone now...and she's having to re-learn how to be a single woman and make friends...it breaks my heart to think of my mother being without friends...mine are such an integral part of my life...pray my mother finds a friend and that i can encourage her and love her in the way she needs...
all around me are things encouraging me to live each day to its fullest...it's a concept that the timid person in me wants to embrace...RENT says "no day but today" and "forget regret or life is yours to miss"...and the current cd in my cd player says "i thank God for another day, another chance to love the ones i love...to find my way, to laugh, to dance and watch the sun come up...another day i get to live as if every breath will be the last i take"...
i think...i hope i'm beginning to get the point...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

note to self - don't mention dad in posts...people won't leave comments because it freaks them out
yesterday i had a patient tell me i was long-winded...all who know me know this to be true but this lady didn't know me...isn't it funny how old people lose their inhibitions? i say that...but today a girl i work with told me i look contaminated and like i belong on a nyquil commercial...she attributes her honesty to her being from the north...i just tend to appreciate honesty no matter where it comes from these days...and even if it's someone telling me i talk too much and look like crap...
speaking of crap, it's what i feel like today...sinuses are funny things...i basically feel like i'm walking around with a weight on my face and with my head in a cloud...hence the 'contaminated' comment...
oh and here's a random thing for you...yesterday a guy was caught trying to steal a sheep from the little rock zoo...honestly, what possesses a man to steal a sheep? the only answers that immediately come to mind are too disturbing to mention...
it has occurred to me that i don't write many things on here of any importance...i must come up with something poignant to write...but not today because that will only make my head hurt worse...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

my computer works...and so does my camera

for all who haven't met him...this is elvis...

Monday, February 20, 2006

ice and grey's anatomy

so i spent the weekend snowed in with a friend...i took my mutt to her house where he played with her mutts and we had good conversation and way too much junk food...the fun also included movie watching because she had no cable including me staying up until 2 a.m. sunday morning watching 'the return of the king' because i am completely incapable of falling asleep during a movie...even one i've seen before that's 3 hours long...
i returned to my apartment and the land of cable and internet sunday afternoon despite the ice...and prayed fervantly that there would be enough ice left on the roads to keep my office closed today...
and then there's grey's anatomy...a must in my weekend routine...i am completely shameless in my love for television...and my love for george o'malley...he is the best really...and last night he did what i hoped he wouldn't do for as long as the show has been on the air...he professed his love for meredith...i swear i turned red when he did it...i expected her to stumble over some words and tell him 'thanks but no thanks'...i DID NOT expect her to take his shirt off...she should be slapped...repeatedly...and i like her...i do...she's on thin ice with me this week though...i'm sure she'll lose quite a bit of sleep over this...
i've also started reading another book..."the long goodbye" by patti davis...and no i'm not trying to depress myself...it's actually not depressing to me about someone else losing their dad to alzheimer's...it's comforting really...to read her words and know exactly what she means...i'm honestly hoping that it jogs memories of my dad...not ones of him sick but of better times...it bothers me that i'm having trouble recalling those better times these days...
so my snow dance didn't work and i am having to work today...oh well...


Monday, February 13, 2006

once again the weekend is over...they seem to go by so quickly...time flies when you're having fun...there was your typical laziness on saturday morning followed by a night at church in maumelle (church on saturday, how scandalous) which was followed by the most amazing italian food ever in conway...i even proved that i am still capable of engaging in witty banter as i left alvin speechless on a few occasions...sunday involved church (no i'm not trying for bonus points, just still trying to figure things out) as well as awesome mexican food and my own personal 'what not to wear' consulation with laura j weaver...not that you wanted a recap of my weekend but you got one anyway...
so a couple of people have commented on the church thing...thanks...i'm still torn...i've been to places with awesome music, places with a great community atmosphere, and i've heard some great sermons...yet it always seems like the place where i like the music and/or the sermon, i feel no sense of community...or i sense that it will be difficult to be involved there...anyway...or i feel a sense of community and that it would be easy to get involved but the preaching is just ok...anyway...enough of that...
in other news, elvis is equally afraid of the hand-held dirt devil as he is the actual vacuum cleaner...actually he's just scared of anything that's loud...what can i say? my dog's a wuss...and today i have proven that my willpower is nonexistent because i have partaken in the coke brought by the drug rep AND the chocolate brought a patient...and on a somewhat deeper note, i feel that i am very good at being single and not so good at being in a relationship
and that's all for now

Friday, February 10, 2006

snow & olympics

IT'S SNOWING!!! it's not even sticking but it's snowing...and this makes me happy...a guy from west virginia came in today and remarked how arkansans freak out over 2 inches of snow when he has eleven inches back home...this is true...but i'm glad that we arkansans get excited about snow...i'm sure west virginians don't....
the olympics start tonight which also excites me...it doesn't take much...i will, undoubtedly, watch the games frequently and act like an expert on the sports i watch the most often...it's the inner-athlete in me that never got a chance to break free...if you really want to get me pumped up, put on celine dion's power of a dream...
it's the little things in life...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

a few thoughts

a few thoughts...
kelly clarkson won a grammy...i'm pumped
for the past few nights i've had the uncontrollable desire to go to bed before 10:00...this must be stopped...
i really like bullet points
elvis chewed an xbox controller the other day...he really needs to get a job...not only to keep him occupied, but to pay for what he ruins
i find two things unbelievably difficult: getting out of bed when the alarm goes off and exercising...if anyone has any suggestions, send them my way...
i still haven't figured out where i'm going to go to church...this is a frustrating process...if anyone has any suggestions on how to take 2 or 3 churches and mesh them into one, i'm wide open for those too
the twins on american idol are obnoxious...it is my sincere hope that they leave soon....
my job may have absolutely nothing to do with my two degrees, but i like it anyway...
and that's all for now....

Friday, February 03, 2006

for the sake of posting

it occurred to me that, while i get so bothered when other people don't post on their blog/xanga/myspace often, i haven't posted in quite some time...so even though i have virtually nothing to write about, i will write anyway...so i have no idea what's coming next...hold on to your pantyhose...
my friend wants me to join a kickball league...while this will undoubtedly return me to the humiliation of elementary school, i think it could be some serious fun...as long as no one takes it too seriously...
i am quite bored at work this morning...as is obvious by my ability to write this post...
chris, the echo tech here, told me this morning he knows of a devout catholic friend who has a statue of mary that cries continuously...he has seen this statue and, while he is skeptical of the tears, he has seen them and believes them to be real...now i have always been taught that these type things are just made up...but i don't think chris is lying...so i asked him why he thinks God would choose to make this statue of mary into a miracle statue...i guess i just think that God wouldn't choose to make a miracle out of something unless He has good reason...any thoughts?
overall i must say, for all who care, that my life is good...it's good to be happy...to be content...to talk to God often...to not be in the constant state of worry and contemplative thought that used to be my life...someone please remind me of this the next time i start to go there...

and if anyone could share with me how to put actual links over to the right, that would be great...

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