Tuesday, June 27, 2006
i've decided that i have to post at least once a week. if i don't...fewer people will read this than already do and that's just pathetic. this is why i post random nonsense. so that people will occasionally return to my blog knowing that i have not abandoned it. and who knows, maybe one day you'll get something worthwhile (but not today).
blogs during the summertime are like emails over the weekend - nonexistent. everyone is off doing more fun & exciting things. i am too whenever i leave the confines of this office. but while i'm here, blogs are my entertainment. and my entertainment is scarce these days. i would give my right arm (ok maybe not) to be able to read a book during my downtime. i've broken my cardinal rule of not starting one book until i've finished another one. perhaps 'broken' isn't the right word - 'shattered' might be more appropriate. i'm part-way through each of the following:
- House Calls & Hitching Posts (about a doctor who practices among the amish)
- Speaking My Mind by Tony Campolo
- Real Sex by Lauren Winner
- Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen
- In the Shadow of the Almighty by Elisabeth Elliot
- God of All Comfort
- The Beloved Disciple by Beth Moore (i only made it to the 2nd or 3rd chapter of this one)
- Cold Sassy Tree
good grief that's worse than i thought. see, if i could read at work this would not be the case. and if i would turn off the blasted tv at night that might help too.
i am taking a break from the job search. it exhausts me. and, in the ultimate of all ironies, i have decided that maybe i do, in fact, want to teach. and i've come to this realization a bit too late considering that the deadline has passed for getting my non-traditional teaching license. all that being said, i've decided to have a go at being content where i am. i've actually enjoyed my job & my coworkers a lot more in the last few weeks. i am embracing my inner-receptionist. i am assuming that since God has not provided an escape from this job, He must want me here so i'm determined to make the best of it.
blogs and random gifts of money always appreciated. :)
blogs during the summertime are like emails over the weekend - nonexistent. everyone is off doing more fun & exciting things. i am too whenever i leave the confines of this office. but while i'm here, blogs are my entertainment. and my entertainment is scarce these days. i would give my right arm (ok maybe not) to be able to read a book during my downtime. i've broken my cardinal rule of not starting one book until i've finished another one. perhaps 'broken' isn't the right word - 'shattered' might be more appropriate. i'm part-way through each of the following:
- House Calls & Hitching Posts (about a doctor who practices among the amish)
- Speaking My Mind by Tony Campolo
- Real Sex by Lauren Winner
- Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen
- In the Shadow of the Almighty by Elisabeth Elliot
- God of All Comfort
- The Beloved Disciple by Beth Moore (i only made it to the 2nd or 3rd chapter of this one)
- Cold Sassy Tree
good grief that's worse than i thought. see, if i could read at work this would not be the case. and if i would turn off the blasted tv at night that might help too.
i am taking a break from the job search. it exhausts me. and, in the ultimate of all ironies, i have decided that maybe i do, in fact, want to teach. and i've come to this realization a bit too late considering that the deadline has passed for getting my non-traditional teaching license. all that being said, i've decided to have a go at being content where i am. i've actually enjoyed my job & my coworkers a lot more in the last few weeks. i am embracing my inner-receptionist. i am assuming that since God has not provided an escape from this job, He must want me here so i'm determined to make the best of it.
blogs and random gifts of money always appreciated. :)
Friday, June 16, 2006
back again. and i think i'll use bullet points again.
because i love them, that's why.
- this week i've seen what i guesstimate to be 2/3 of the most recent Bridget Jones' Diary movie. i'd read that renee zellweger had gotten tired of people asking her about what it was like to gain weight for the film. now i understand the curiosity. i would guess she weighed 10-20 more pounds for this one than the first. it was odd to see that usually-tiny woman that size. and to know it was really her. as i watched the movie, i found myself cringing - often. it seemed as if every ten minutes, she was getting upset at mr. darcy for one thing or another. she had a way of making the best situations incredibly awkward. and it seemed all of this stemmed from her insecurity. i saw myself in her entirely too often (hence the cringing). and it occurred to me that most movies contain characters that most of us wish we were like. these characters aren't perfect, they're always flawed in some way; but yet still manage to be admirable. and we love that. we want to think we can be flawed yet admirable too. and bridget jones rubs me the wrong way mainly because i haven't gotten to the part of the movie where i can admire her. all i see are her insecurities and all i hear are the idiotic things that come out of her mouth. maybe the movie ends with her doing something admirable or at least learning to shut her mouth on occasion. i hope so. either way, i'll try not to see Bridget Jones or her movies as a metaphor for me and my life. cause that's just pathetic.
- the chocolate milk that i spoke of in my last blog may not be the fabulous completion of my liquid diet triforce afterall. it seems to have an unpleasant effect on my person which saddens me greatly. my love for it will never die.
- the last line of the above paragraph should serve as proof that the boring nature of this job is affecting my brain.
- last night at the store i was thrilled to find that my favorite cookies were on sale. further proof that God loves me and wants me to be happy.
- today is linda's last day at work. that means as of monday i will be this clinic's longest current office worker. this is odd because i've only been here 6 months. me and my remaining fellow office worker decided to send linda out in style by pulling pranks on her on her last day. we screwed with her desktop icons, made her taskbar disappear, adjusted the height of her desk chair, and (here's the kicker) we took today's charts and rearranged them so that they were out of order. she hates that. she was the closest to mad as i've ever seen her. she thought she was losing her mind. then she blamed the cleaning staff. we eventually came clean. it was the most excitement this office has seen since...well since i've worked here and maybe even before that.
- it's friday
because i love them, that's why.
- this week i've seen what i guesstimate to be 2/3 of the most recent Bridget Jones' Diary movie. i'd read that renee zellweger had gotten tired of people asking her about what it was like to gain weight for the film. now i understand the curiosity. i would guess she weighed 10-20 more pounds for this one than the first. it was odd to see that usually-tiny woman that size. and to know it was really her. as i watched the movie, i found myself cringing - often. it seemed as if every ten minutes, she was getting upset at mr. darcy for one thing or another. she had a way of making the best situations incredibly awkward. and it seemed all of this stemmed from her insecurity. i saw myself in her entirely too often (hence the cringing). and it occurred to me that most movies contain characters that most of us wish we were like. these characters aren't perfect, they're always flawed in some way; but yet still manage to be admirable. and we love that. we want to think we can be flawed yet admirable too. and bridget jones rubs me the wrong way mainly because i haven't gotten to the part of the movie where i can admire her. all i see are her insecurities and all i hear are the idiotic things that come out of her mouth. maybe the movie ends with her doing something admirable or at least learning to shut her mouth on occasion. i hope so. either way, i'll try not to see Bridget Jones or her movies as a metaphor for me and my life. cause that's just pathetic.
- the chocolate milk that i spoke of in my last blog may not be the fabulous completion of my liquid diet triforce afterall. it seems to have an unpleasant effect on my person which saddens me greatly. my love for it will never die.
- the last line of the above paragraph should serve as proof that the boring nature of this job is affecting my brain.
- last night at the store i was thrilled to find that my favorite cookies were on sale. further proof that God loves me and wants me to be happy.
- today is linda's last day at work. that means as of monday i will be this clinic's longest current office worker. this is odd because i've only been here 6 months. me and my remaining fellow office worker decided to send linda out in style by pulling pranks on her on her last day. we screwed with her desktop icons, made her taskbar disappear, adjusted the height of her desk chair, and (here's the kicker) we took today's charts and rearranged them so that they were out of order. she hates that. she was the closest to mad as i've ever seen her. she thought she was losing her mind. then she blamed the cleaning staff. we eventually came clean. it was the most excitement this office has seen since...well since i've worked here and maybe even before that.
- it's friday
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
more thoughts brought to you in part by my boredom...
- are all job interviews as tedious as the two i've had here recently? do all professional job interviews involve a 30-45 minute gruelling question & answer session where all of my answers are written down by men & women with little or no people skills? how do people think they could possibly get an accurate description of me by grilling me and then sending me on my way?
-if anyone can suggest a way i can get sonic's diet cherry coke given to me intravenously, it would be greatly appreciated. i love that stuff. i could drink it every day. of course, then i would be broke. and considering my luck with gruelling job interviews, this fact will not change any time soon. pair the drink with some mozzerella sticks with marinara sauce and i am in heaven.
- speaking of food, i am starving. my short-lived funk is gone and my appetite is back with a vengence. our kitchen here at work contains 6 sam's size jars of peanut butter (3 crunchy/3 creamy) and, sadly, no crackers. so unless i feel the need to eat peanut butter from a spoon or slather it on some hamburger buns from yesterday's drug rep lunch, i'm out of luck.
- i also have recently developed an insatiable craving for chocolate milk. i think that if i had a never-ending supply of Sonic's diet cherry coke, chocolate milk, and water, i might be able to give up solid foods for a solid week at least.
ok maybe not.
- are all job interviews as tedious as the two i've had here recently? do all professional job interviews involve a 30-45 minute gruelling question & answer session where all of my answers are written down by men & women with little or no people skills? how do people think they could possibly get an accurate description of me by grilling me and then sending me on my way?
-if anyone can suggest a way i can get sonic's diet cherry coke given to me intravenously, it would be greatly appreciated. i love that stuff. i could drink it every day. of course, then i would be broke. and considering my luck with gruelling job interviews, this fact will not change any time soon. pair the drink with some mozzerella sticks with marinara sauce and i am in heaven.
- speaking of food, i am starving. my short-lived funk is gone and my appetite is back with a vengence. our kitchen here at work contains 6 sam's size jars of peanut butter (3 crunchy/3 creamy) and, sadly, no crackers. so unless i feel the need to eat peanut butter from a spoon or slather it on some hamburger buns from yesterday's drug rep lunch, i'm out of luck.
- i also have recently developed an insatiable craving for chocolate milk. i think that if i had a never-ending supply of Sonic's diet cherry coke, chocolate milk, and water, i might be able to give up solid foods for a solid week at least.
ok maybe not.
Friday, June 09, 2006
the boredom continues. and believe it or not, i'm actually tired of filling out surveys. i've informed the general population of enough of the inner workings of the craziness that is ruth.
and yet i'm posting another blog.
but to be perfectly honest, i have very little to say. i think i'll do some bullet points, since they are the most fun. hold onto your hats kids, they will contain much randomosity.
- boys stress me out. their mere presence stresses me out. it's not their fault. it's mine. i can't even explain it. but a nunnery has never looked so good.
- i still haven't unpacked from my vacation.
- everyone should visit a mental ward at least once in their life. everyone should witness an old woman in a purple bathrobe wearing pearls, yellow socks, and black pumps and carrying her purse down the hallway. if you can't find a way to balance the humor as well as the sadness of it all, then we probably cannot be friends.
- i have a new water bottle from the Smithsonian. it's awesome.
- i am at a loss for what to read next. i've actually started several books but don't necessarily care to finish them at the moment. if you have any suggestions, feel free to share them. if you are willing to loan me the book, even better.
- i didn't eat lunch when i went home today. i chose a nap instead. however, this is not condusive with my normal eating habits as i typically scarf down everything in sight whenever given the opportunity. now i am hungry and contemplating what to get from the hospital cafeteria (i even get a discount since i work here). i will be taking suggestions on this also.
- i watched part of the first game of the NBA playoffs last night. i think i could really get into basketball. i am normally bored silly by sports on television but i was actually getting into last night's game. dirk noworski (or however you spell it) is my boy. he doesn't stress me out because he's far away & on television.
that's all for now kids
and yet i'm posting another blog.
but to be perfectly honest, i have very little to say. i think i'll do some bullet points, since they are the most fun. hold onto your hats kids, they will contain much randomosity.
- boys stress me out. their mere presence stresses me out. it's not their fault. it's mine. i can't even explain it. but a nunnery has never looked so good.
- i still haven't unpacked from my vacation.
- everyone should visit a mental ward at least once in their life. everyone should witness an old woman in a purple bathrobe wearing pearls, yellow socks, and black pumps and carrying her purse down the hallway. if you can't find a way to balance the humor as well as the sadness of it all, then we probably cannot be friends.
- i have a new water bottle from the Smithsonian. it's awesome.
- i am at a loss for what to read next. i've actually started several books but don't necessarily care to finish them at the moment. if you have any suggestions, feel free to share them. if you are willing to loan me the book, even better.
- i didn't eat lunch when i went home today. i chose a nap instead. however, this is not condusive with my normal eating habits as i typically scarf down everything in sight whenever given the opportunity. now i am hungry and contemplating what to get from the hospital cafeteria (i even get a discount since i work here). i will be taking suggestions on this also.
- i watched part of the first game of the NBA playoffs last night. i think i could really get into basketball. i am normally bored silly by sports on television but i was actually getting into last night's game. dirk noworski (or however you spell it) is my boy. he doesn't stress me out because he's far away & on television.
that's all for now kids
Monday, June 05, 2006
well i'm back. i

to give you the short version, it was a fun trip. i laughed really hard and often. mostly at my neices. for one have more rhythm in their pinky fingers than i do in my entire body. and secondly because every other word that came out of their mouths was hilarious. we rolled our eyes at jordan a lot (he thinks he's hilarious) and we did a lot of nothing. it was relaxing. it was nice. it made me dread my job a little less. and it kept me from stressing about the job interview i had before i left. i came back slightly fatter because i left my diet in arkansas, but i will hit the pavement again after work today.
as usual i have other things i'd like to post about but i will save it for later. but i will leave you with some pictures...well i was. i've uploaded the 2nd one 47 times and it hasn't worked yet. you'll have to make do with this one.