Tuesday, August 29, 2006
my move is complete. well almost. all of my things are now contained in my new house as opposed to my old apartment but they haven't exactly found their place yet. i keep thinking that they will find their places on their own while i'm at work but so far they have not seen fit to help me out in that manner.
elvis enjoys his new yard as well as his new playmates. madea has been a different story. when i first brought her to the new house, i put her cage outside on the porch because i thought she would be more amused out there and that her squawking would be less of a nussaince. it turns out that i was right. she did seem to like being outside and she didn't squawk as often. she loved the outdoors so much that she decided to exit the cage completely - utilizing the holes where her food & water bowls used to be (oops). now, call me a bad pet owner, but i wasn't too upset at the loss of my bird. she was pretty & could say 'hello' like a champ, but i just really wasn't that attached to her. i left madea's cage door open in case she should decide to return, but figured that she probably would not. the next morning, as i was brushing my teeth, i heard her squawk, but assumed she was up in one of the trees and thought nothing of it. then the squawk changed. i looked out the window and saw madea in eleanor's (one of the dogs) mouth. i immediately ran out of the house, toothbrush in hand, and rescued my bird - all the while feeling horrible that i had not cared when she escaped. to make a long story a little less long - madea is fine. she was a bit shaken up (no pun intended) but she is fine. and for even further proof tha God loves me and my pets, a friend from church has found my dear madea a new home. as of today she will belong to a retired couple who i'm sure will be much better parrot-owners than i.
in other moving news, my new rommate has been quite helpful in helping me decorate my new room. i came home one night to find a ginormous (pronounced ji-nor-mus) toboggan-clad gorilla under the covers of my bed. i have also found random pictures of friends, wolves, and ex-boyfriends on display. last night as i prepared to go to bed, i found that she had blown up a certain old picture (to poster size) and plastered it to the ceiling above my bed. i crawled into bed, too tired to remove the new ceiling decoration, only to find that she had plastered a smaller copy of the same picture to the back of my bedroom door. i did the only thing i knew to do: i curled up beside the gorilla and went to sleep.
leaving for austin in a few days. words cannot express my excitement. it will be the perfect break from my 60+ hour work weeks.
elvis enjoys his new yard as well as his new playmates. madea has been a different story. when i first brought her to the new house, i put her cage outside on the porch because i thought she would be more amused out there and that her squawking would be less of a nussaince. it turns out that i was right. she did seem to like being outside and she didn't squawk as often. she loved the outdoors so much that she decided to exit the cage completely - utilizing the holes where her food & water bowls used to be (oops). now, call me a bad pet owner, but i wasn't too upset at the loss of my bird. she was pretty & could say 'hello' like a champ, but i just really wasn't that attached to her. i left madea's cage door open in case she should decide to return, but figured that she probably would not. the next morning, as i was brushing my teeth, i heard her squawk, but assumed she was up in one of the trees and thought nothing of it. then the squawk changed. i looked out the window and saw madea in eleanor's (one of the dogs) mouth. i immediately ran out of the house, toothbrush in hand, and rescued my bird - all the while feeling horrible that i had not cared when she escaped. to make a long story a little less long - madea is fine. she was a bit shaken up (no pun intended) but she is fine. and for even further proof tha God loves me and my pets, a friend from church has found my dear madea a new home. as of today she will belong to a retired couple who i'm sure will be much better parrot-owners than i.
in other moving news, my new rommate has been quite helpful in helping me decorate my new room. i came home one night to find a ginormous (pronounced ji-nor-mus) toboggan-clad gorilla under the covers of my bed. i have also found random pictures of friends, wolves, and ex-boyfriends on display. last night as i prepared to go to bed, i found that she had blown up a certain old picture (to poster size) and plastered it to the ceiling above my bed. i crawled into bed, too tired to remove the new ceiling decoration, only to find that she had plastered a smaller copy of the same picture to the back of my bedroom door. i did the only thing i knew to do: i curled up beside the gorilla and went to sleep.
leaving for austin in a few days. words cannot express my excitement. it will be the perfect break from my 60+ hour work weeks.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
so laura blogged on our capitol experience as well. as usual, her way with words is much better than mine so if you're bored at work as i am, feel free to check this out.
holy crap i've never done a link within a word like that. i think it might've actually worked.
yesterday our server went down at work. yet another link in a long chain of problems we've had with our system lately, but this one was tragic. it left me without internet for a half day. i didn't know what to do with myself. i played 47 games of spider solitaire. i spun around in my chair. i text messaged randomly. the afternoon plodded along. thankfully the problem has been fixed (obviously). somehow i think i would've gotten in trouble if i brought a book and started reading it to relieve the boredom. shallow entertainment like the internet & people magazine are allowed but not books - not that i know of anyway.
now that my internet has returned, my yahoo messenger music is back. i recently inherited (ok so i stole them) speakers from a fellow employee that couldn't get them to work on her computer. music makes the day go faster. hence its absence yesterday added to the longevity of the day. i have long since reached my limit of my launchcast trial and now am unable to skip the songs i don't like. this means that i am subjected to more and more artists such as cher, the carpenters, and many more people that i've never heard of in my life. however, i will not complain. any music is better than silence or the tapping of keys on a keyboard.
in other boring news from my life, i have bought elvis a new crate. this has been a much longer process than was first intended. i first decided to buy this new crate so that i would have a few more inches of space in my new room. let's just say i gave his original crate to a coworker with a rottweiler. i bought a smaller crate from walmart (because i'm cheap like that) and brought it home where it became painfully obvious to the both of us (especially elvis) that this 24" crate would not hold his long basset hound body. the failure of this crate meant that i must put aside my cheapskate ways and go to petsmart because they are the only sellers of the 30" crate. so to make a long story a little less long - 48 hours, 2 skinned knees, and 1 turned ankle later(ok so i kinda fell carrying the 30 incher to my car), elvis has a smaller crate that he actually fits in.
moving this weekend. i'd invite you to come see my new place but i won't be there much. but feel free to come see me at dillards on any given weeknight. weeknights are boring and therefore very conducive to visitors.
holy crap i've never done a link within a word like that. i think it might've actually worked.
yesterday our server went down at work. yet another link in a long chain of problems we've had with our system lately, but this one was tragic. it left me without internet for a half day. i didn't know what to do with myself. i played 47 games of spider solitaire. i spun around in my chair. i text messaged randomly. the afternoon plodded along. thankfully the problem has been fixed (obviously). somehow i think i would've gotten in trouble if i brought a book and started reading it to relieve the boredom. shallow entertainment like the internet & people magazine are allowed but not books - not that i know of anyway.
now that my internet has returned, my yahoo messenger music is back. i recently inherited (ok so i stole them) speakers from a fellow employee that couldn't get them to work on her computer. music makes the day go faster. hence its absence yesterday added to the longevity of the day. i have long since reached my limit of my launchcast trial and now am unable to skip the songs i don't like. this means that i am subjected to more and more artists such as cher, the carpenters, and many more people that i've never heard of in my life. however, i will not complain. any music is better than silence or the tapping of keys on a keyboard.
in other boring news from my life, i have bought elvis a new crate. this has been a much longer process than was first intended. i first decided to buy this new crate so that i would have a few more inches of space in my new room. let's just say i gave his original crate to a coworker with a rottweiler. i bought a smaller crate from walmart (because i'm cheap like that) and brought it home where it became painfully obvious to the both of us (especially elvis) that this 24" crate would not hold his long basset hound body. the failure of this crate meant that i must put aside my cheapskate ways and go to petsmart because they are the only sellers of the 30" crate. so to make a long story a little less long - 48 hours, 2 skinned knees, and 1 turned ankle later(ok so i kinda fell carrying the 30 incher to my car), elvis has a smaller crate that he actually fits in.
moving this weekend. i'd invite you to come see my new place but i won't be there much. but feel free to come see me at dillards on any given weeknight. weeknights are boring and therefore very conducive to visitors.
Friday, August 18, 2006
i'm being accosted!

i'm trying to put a picture in my blog. hope it works. the supposed above picture was taken last night when i hung out with my grad school buddies laura & travis. it was a night full of laughter and a bit of insanity. my idea of a good time. what you cannot tell by this picture is that it was taken in front of the state capitol. we hung out there for an hour or so. i kept thinking we would be asked to leave considering it was 10:30 at night. we weren't. laura was somewhat disappointed. we ate some Tamolly's (and yes i spelled it correctly) and made fun of cheesy sexual harrassment videos that we've all been made to watch since our entrance into the real world (hence the blog title). it's a good thing that laura & travis have seen said videos because both have experienced it first hand. i, on the other hand, have not and am struggling between feelings of gratefulness and those of being left out of the loop. kidding.
so the age old question has now been answered. what do three people with their master's degree in history do when they're full of mexican food? they go hang out at the state capitol and take random funny pictures.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
an open letter to my fellow dillards employees
Dear Co-Workers:
The last few weeks have been interesting to say the least. I feel as if I am finally getting the hang of things. However, I wanted to address a few issues that seem to need addressing.
First of all, to the employees who shall remain nameless that have been employed by dillards for what must be decades. I would like to make it known to you that I have not made it my life's goal to steal your sales. I do not have an evil plot to ensure that you do not make your sales quota this month. Please do not treat me as if I am threatening to do so. I am not trying to invade your territory. I'm just trying to make sure my bills get paid.
I would also like to point out that, if you've noticed a drop in your sales, it could be because you stalk every customer that enters your area. While many customers do like some assistance as they shop, they do not like for you to follow so closely that you bump into them when they stop to admire the polo essentials collection.
To the rest of my fellow employees, I would pose a question. First let me say that it is my understanding that I am not to compltely shut down my register until the 'all clear' announcement is made. So my question is this: why is it that when the aforementioned announcement is made, i immediately see every employee making their way out the door? Now I realize that it could have everything to do with the fact that for the past two nights I've had 3 or 4 registers to close on my own. It may also have something to do with the fact that I am fairly new at this and am unable to print & sign a slip as well as remove & replace the journal roll in 3.2 seconds. However, I have the feeling that I am just missing out on something. Please fill me in at your earliest convenience.
In closing, let me say once again that I am not your competition. I am not aiming to make salesperson of the year, month, or week for that matter. I look forward to getting to know each of you and hope that each of you can look put the competition aside and do the same.
Ruth (Girls Dept)
The last few weeks have been interesting to say the least. I feel as if I am finally getting the hang of things. However, I wanted to address a few issues that seem to need addressing.
First of all, to the employees who shall remain nameless that have been employed by dillards for what must be decades. I would like to make it known to you that I have not made it my life's goal to steal your sales. I do not have an evil plot to ensure that you do not make your sales quota this month. Please do not treat me as if I am threatening to do so. I am not trying to invade your territory. I'm just trying to make sure my bills get paid.
I would also like to point out that, if you've noticed a drop in your sales, it could be because you stalk every customer that enters your area. While many customers do like some assistance as they shop, they do not like for you to follow so closely that you bump into them when they stop to admire the polo essentials collection.
To the rest of my fellow employees, I would pose a question. First let me say that it is my understanding that I am not to compltely shut down my register until the 'all clear' announcement is made. So my question is this: why is it that when the aforementioned announcement is made, i immediately see every employee making their way out the door? Now I realize that it could have everything to do with the fact that for the past two nights I've had 3 or 4 registers to close on my own. It may also have something to do with the fact that I am fairly new at this and am unable to print & sign a slip as well as remove & replace the journal roll in 3.2 seconds. However, I have the feeling that I am just missing out on something. Please fill me in at your earliest convenience.
In closing, let me say once again that I am not your competition. I am not aiming to make salesperson of the year, month, or week for that matter. I look forward to getting to know each of you and hope that each of you can look put the competition aside and do the same.
Ruth (Girls Dept)
Friday, August 11, 2006
i've had a whopping 2 requests for a new blog this week which means that, contrary to my prior belief, people do read this thing. that is so exciting! now i just have to figure out what to write about.
i've taken a part time job at dillards with my buddy darcie. this is crazy for three reasons: 1. i am no salesperson 2. i am way too cheap for dillards and 3. i am required to dress up
yet it's not been too bad so far. i'm sure the people at my full-time job appreciate that i don't come to work looking like a homeless derelict everyday and that they are thrilled to know that i do, in fact, own make up. i'm still no salesman so if you have any little girls or baby showers to buy for COME SEE ME. i'm not ashamed to beg.
i've renewed my love for chick fil a. ouachita made me hate it but now that it is park plaza mall's best food option, i have decided that it's not so bad. however, i must share that as i was sitting down last night to enjoy my chicken sandwich, i dropped my coke and it went all over me, my table, and the floor beneath my table. i must also point out that this was BEFORE i clocked in to work at dillards.
only me
but i've decided not to hold it against chick fil a. they can't help it i'm a klutz.
i've taken a part time job at dillards with my buddy darcie. this is crazy for three reasons: 1. i am no salesperson 2. i am way too cheap for dillards and 3. i am required to dress up
yet it's not been too bad so far. i'm sure the people at my full-time job appreciate that i don't come to work looking like a homeless derelict everyday and that they are thrilled to know that i do, in fact, own make up. i'm still no salesman so if you have any little girls or baby showers to buy for COME SEE ME. i'm not ashamed to beg.
i've renewed my love for chick fil a. ouachita made me hate it but now that it is park plaza mall's best food option, i have decided that it's not so bad. however, i must share that as i was sitting down last night to enjoy my chicken sandwich, i dropped my coke and it went all over me, my table, and the floor beneath my table. i must also point out that this was BEFORE i clocked in to work at dillards.
only me
but i've decided not to hold it against chick fil a. they can't help it i'm a klutz.